Serves 2
Cooking Time 25 Minutes
500g Chicken Breast (Quorn Pieces in this case!)
300g Noodles
3 Spring Onions
4 Garlic Cloves
Groundnut Oil (Vegetable Oil will work too)
2 Tablespoons of Cornflour (Plain Flour is a cheaper alternative)
2 Tablespoons of Chinese Rice Wine
2 Tablespoons of Dark Soy Sauce
Salt, Pepper and Sugar
Once these are all coated, and your oil is hot, add your chicken to the oil and fry for around 5 minutes. This shouldn't take long at all as the pieces are small and relatively thin. Once these are golden all over, remove from the pan and place on kitchen towel to drain off any excess oil.
Get the water from the kettle into that saucepan!
Pop your noodles into the saucepan. These should take just 5-6 minutes to cook thoroughly, so we're on our countdown 'til Chow Time now! Throw your drained, and warm, chicken back into the pan with the aromatic garlic and soy sauce and mix thoroughly. Once your noodles have cooked, drain these off, and stir with the chicken. Split this between the two of you (no stealing any extra
bits though!) and enjoy!Thanks again for the feedback guys, we're really moving well and there's been some great ideas so far. Please continue to comment and offer up your own ideas!
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